We do everything in our power to ensure that:
- We maintain the spark in our teachers, so that they may live out their full potential.
- Our staff are at the forefront professionally and paedagogically within their respective subjects.
- Our staff feel proud to be a part of BG.
- It is our staff's experience that to be at BG is a deeply meaningful and giving vocation.
- Our staff stimulate and inspire each other to continously develop.
- Our staff challenge and inspire our students and their joy for learning.
- BG is an attractive work place for all staff.
- BG`s staff, who are not employed in a teaching capacity, feel appreciated, important and vital for the collective BG, that they have a high status and are acknowledged continuously for their invauable efforts.
All of the above is implemented specifically with the following priority areas in 2022-23:
Strengthened focus and resource allocation for professional development for teachers –professionally and paedagogically. Where 2021-22 had a focus on student well-being (also in terms of resource allocation) this focus is now moved to staff.
Staff well-being committee will continue it's work from the school year 2021-22.
Establishment of better teacher workspaces. Set-up of committees whose prime focus will be to evaluate and imagine the teacher workspaces of the future, with a view to extending the teachers' lounge.
During the school year 2022/23 all department groups will participate in GRUS (group development)-talks.
We will investigate the oppertinity for hosting a Paedagogical seminar in 2022/23 for all members of staff as was the practice in the 2021/22.