Possibilities for special educational support

Special Educational Support (SPS) is an offer to students with disabilities, ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to complete their STX/IB/HF education at Birkerød Gymnasium.

A special offer for you who need extra help and support

Procedure for SPS at BG:

  • Students and parents contact the student counsellor’s office.
  • A dialogue is initiated between parents, student, and the student counsellor aiming to clarify needs and expectations.
  • Student counsellor receives the proper documentation.
  • Student and parents sign a consent form and send it to the student counsellor.
  • When the application is accepted, the student receives information in E-boks.
  • Counselling sessions are initiated with the SPS mentor.
  • Student and counsellor complete a progress report every 6 months.

Frequently asked questions

Who can apply?
Any student with a disability can apply for SPS support.

What is meant by disability?
A disability could be any type of diagnosis such as ADHD, ADD, autism, Aspergers, etc. It can be a psychological disability or physical disabilities such as hearing or visual impairment, or physical handicaps.

What about dyslexia?
At BG we have separate support for students with dyslexia. Contact the student counsellor. Students with dyslexia are also eligible for SPS.

What about acalculia?
Contact your student counsellor, who will discuss it with your mathematics teachers. Together, they will find out if there is a need for a mathematic mentor.

When can I apply?
It is recommended that you contact the student counsellors before you start at BG. That way, you can be matched with a SPS-mentor at the beginning of the year. If you wish to apply for an SPS-mentor after the start of the school year, you can contact the student counsellor.

What type of documentation do I need to provide?

To qualify for an SPS-mentor, you need to provide medical documentation that describes the disability in question.

What does SPS-mentoring include?

SPS-mentoring are support-lessons, in which students recieve support in planning and getting an overview of their weekly schedule, homework, and social engagements. This way, the student will get help to achieve a sense of structure, time-management, and study skills. SPS-mentoring is not equivalent to private tutoring.

AT BG we collaborate with the ’SPS-vejleder’. They are our SPS-mentors and work hard to help our students. You will be contacted by a mentor from ”SPS-vejlederne” via Lectio or mobile number.

The number of hours needed and frequency of meetings is decided through a mutual agreement made between the student and mentor. 


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