mandag den 30. sep. 24

You have to respect the integrity of the croissant

D. 26 September is the European Language Day. At BG, the day was celebrated with a language Kahoot, cake competition and 1st grade language lecture with Peter from Our Europe.

Peter Laugesen from Our Europe talked about his childhood curiosity and longing, which since then led him on countless trips around Europe and threw a sea of ​​meetings with, among others, German, French and Spanish language and culture of their own. It quickly dawned on him that English was not sufficient to reach the Europeans.

So foreign language is more than grammar; it is also a way to other cultures and thus to good foreign experiences: Germans are not as square as their grammar is, and Spaniards do not pay much attention to home decor - they go out.

The transparency and spillover between the languages ​​was a recurring theme in the lecture. Who can guess the meaning of C'è un concerto in piazza (it), or who jumps over the expressions gedanced (ty) and gechilled (ty)? And who dares to ask a Frenchman to describe the Danish mentality?

The points were that you mirror yourself in the foreign and break down prejudices through foreign languages. All in a playful approach that teachers and students can be inspired by.
