tirsdag den 6. feb. 24

Let's talk about sex

Sex is one of the most natural things about being human, but at the same time one of the hardest things to talk about. Many young people experience being left alone with questions about e.g. contraception, boundaries and consent, and that is why, from the school year 2023-2024, a requirement has been introduced that high school students throughout Denmark must receive sex education.

At Birkerød Gymnasium, we carried out several surveys of what the students wanted to know more about on topics related to sex. The young people had many interesting perspectives on this, but what they all had in common was that they wished it wasn't so difficult to talk to each other about. That is why we planned the day under the heading "Let's talk about sex".

Wednesday 24 January was the day when BG's 1st graders and 1st graders were invited to three modules that thematized sex from the young people's perspective. In the first module, we had a visit from UngKøn, a group of young sexologists who work for norm-critical information about sex. They gave a presentation which, among other things, was about consent, boundaries, gender and sexuality.

In the second module, the students went back to the classes, where they had to start a conversation about sex in a slightly safer environment, through an investigation of DR P3's program series "Sex with P3". The whole day ended with a panel debate, where BG had invited three young people to discuss dilemmas about sex, which the students themselves had formulated beforehand.

All in all, it was an exciting day where many conversations were started, which will hopefully continue without the adults present.

Read more about UNG KØN (Youth organization facilitating talks about gender and sex) and Let's Talk about Sex here:
