Invitation to parent consultations in 1.hf and 2.g 2024
In connection with our students (except 1.g) getting position marks d. 11 November, it is possible to register for parent consultations in 1.hf and 2.g according to the following plan:
Thursday d. 28 November at 16-20: 1p, 1q, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2k and 2m Monday d. 2 December at 16-20: 2t, 2y, 2z and IB1
Registration takes place via Lectio and is already open. Here it is possible to request an interview with up to five teachers in priority order. Each consultation lasts 10 minutes, and we encourage both student and parent to participate. It is not possible to request specific times for the consultations, but generally the consultations take place between 4 and 8 p.m.
The parent consultations are not mandatory, but an offer if you would like to hear a little more about the professional position.
The deadline for entering requests is Wednesday, 13 November 2024
From Wednesday 20 November at 16 you can see the plan for the parent consultation on the students' front page in Lectio via the link see times.
Instructions for registration:
• Go to the school's website []
• Select Lectio []
• Log in with student login
• On the student front page, select answer parent consultation
• Mark the desired teachers in priority order
• IMPORTANT: Remember to press save
If any questions arise in connection with the registration for the consultations, you are welcome to contact Dorthe Hansen in the administration on telephone 4516 8224 or e-mail
The position grades will be published on 11 November. 2024 at 4 p.m. They can be seen in Lectio.
Be aware that it can be difficult to find a parking space, so arrive in good time. On the other hand, no parking permit is required in the evening.