tirsdag den 10. sep. 24

HF on introductory trip to Aarhus

All new students at BG must go on an introductory tour. It is both a socially, educationally and academically important trip, as it helps shake the students together and provides some common professional experiences to talk about.

For the 1st HFs, September means an introductory trip to Aarhus! 1.p and 1.q have had three wonderful days experiencing the mini-big city of Aarhus and being shaken together as classes.

We arrived in Århus on Wednesday 4 September, where we went on a photo run around the city and got to explore everything from the cozy Latin quarter to the new, hip Århus Island.

On Thursday we visited Moesgaard museum, where we saw the famous Grauballemand and went for a walk down to Moesgaard beach, where we could enjoy a swim in the delicious late summer weather.

On Friday, we ended the Århus tour by seeing modern art at Aros. Not least here we enjoyed the spectacular view of the city from "Your Rainbow Panorama". 1. The HFs say thank you for a fantastic intro tour, which has given us many good memories and togetherness in the class!

In the coming weeks and months, it will be the Pre-IB's and 1st graders' turn to go on a trip!