torsdag den 3. okt. 24

Global Goals week at Birkerød Gymnasium

In collaboration with the Foundation for Entrepreneurship, the Red Cross and DTU Science Park, Birkerød Gymnasium's 2.g STX students focus throughout week 41 on innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability based on the UN's global goals. At BG, we have developed a Global Goals concept, where the students use and develop their professionalism from high school and their intuitive innovative and entrepreneurial abilities to work with the world goals.

The Global Goals week focuses on the STX executive order's requirements for education in sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurship and contains several steps along the way. The students must, among other things, develop their ideas based on at least three of the global goals. The final product must be a model, an idea, a concept or a product that shows "how a problem within the world goals can be solved".

The structure for the week is based on the Foundation for Entrepreneurship's 7 phase model. That is, the students go through all seven phases during the week, a kind of wave model, where they alternately use their individual competencies and their collaborative skills. They switch between research, immersion and 'hands on'. There is one teacher advisor per class, which helps the students to facilitate the process and with the challenges they are sure to face. Idea development, and not least bringing an idea to life, IS challenging, which several of this week's presenters also touch on.

The majority of the innovative process lies with the students. They must come up with an idea themselves, contact outside experts and come up with creative solutions to their problem. The week will be kicked off with inspirational presentations from eleven different entrepreneurs and contractors in everything from commercial industries with a focus on the STEM subjects to socio-economic companies with a focus on volunteering and social commitment - all with a starting point in sustainable development and the world goals.

The presenters' task is to inspire the students with stories, challenges and the joy of being 'master of your own entrepreneurship'. It has been important to us that the project is locally anchored in a collaboration with Rudersdal municipality and DTU Science Park, so that the students experience that sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurship are close to reality and relevant to the professionalism they encounter in high school.

The week ends with an innovation fair, where all groups present their idea, their process and their concept to the rest of the school and a jury. The winners go on to the Foundation for Entrepreneurship's subsequent competitions in COMPANY PROGRAMME.