fredag den 30. aug. 24

Exciting exchange cooperation with Taiwan!

The school year has barely begun before BG is full of life again! Already two days into the school year, on August 14, 2.b was visited by 20 students from Yanping High School in Taiwan. With them they had their principal, Mrs. Ya-Hui Shih, a teacher and a representative from the NGO TIYAE, which organizes exchange collaborations for internationally oriented schools in Taiwan.

During the week the Taiwanese students visited BG, they attended classes at 2b and received a presentation about the Danish school system. In this way, they have gained a thorough insight into the everyday life of a Danish high school student, which is very different from the Taiwanese students' own everyday life. The school day in Denmark is shorter, and the Danish students' leisure activities are outside school hours, which is not the case in Taiwan.

In addition, the Taiwanese guests went on an excursion to Novo Nordisk's factory in Hillerød, where they received an exciting presentation about the challenges Novo Nordisk faces in the future, but also the difference between Taiwanese and Danish work culture, as the presenter has lived and worked in both places.

The guests have of course also visited Copenhagen and Helsingør, where they have had more traditional guided tours with a focus on Danish history. They have, among other things, been on a canal cruise and visited Kronborg castle.

During the entire visit, the Taiwanese students have been accommodated privately with the students from 2b. This has given 2b a unique opportunity to not only learn more about Taiwanese culture, but also given them an opportunity to see their own culture from the outside. Something that has been very learning for both the Danish and Taiwanese students.

The visit ended with a festive re-union party, where the students from 2.b. brought various traditional Danish dishes for the guests to try. It was a really good way to end a nice week.

In the spring, 2.b will revisit Taiwan, where they will also be accommodated privately with the Taiwanese students, with whom 2b will then go to school for a week. There is no doubt that such large exchange programs require a lot of resources from both teachers and students, but they are all worth it and provide lifelong learning and friendships.