Et helt almindeligt gymnasium, og dog
Gymnasium, HF, IB & Kostskole
På BG har vi elever fra hele verden, og vi taler over 50 forskellige sprog.
Men vi har plads til ét mere; dit sprog, din personlige stemme.
Med hele verden som din baghave og uendelige muligheder for selvudvikling i din forhave er BG det rigtige valg for dig, der ser nysgerrigt på din fremtid.
Vi tilbyder både IB, STX, HF og kostskole og tør derfor godt prale af at være det mest mangfoldige sted nord for København.
Gymnasiet for os handler meget om matematik, men allermest om mennesker.
Her er der plads til alle, og vi giver pladsen til, at du kan finde dig selv.
Claus Reinholdt Campeotto
Vælg mellem 10 studieretninger
Vi tilbyder et bredt udvalg af studieretninger, så du kan fordybe dig i netop de fag, der interesserer dig, om det er naturvidenskab, samfund, sprog, musik eller kunst. I grundforløbet får du mulighed for at afprøve de forskellige fag, så du kan vælge den uddannelse, der er helt rigtig for dig.

Kommer du langvejs fra?
Så kan du bo på vores kostskole sammen med mere end 70 andre unge fra Danmark og andre lande. På kostskolen bor, spiser, arbejder, fester, griner, græder og lever vi sammen, og du vil få oplevelser og venner for livet. Kostskolen ligger tæt ved BG i et af Nordsjællands smukkeste naturområder og kun 30 min. med tog fra København.

Hvorfor skal du vælge lige netop vores skole?
Altid engagerede
Vores elever er vidt forskellige men har én ting til fælles. De brænder for deres felt. Om du er til sport, science, musik eller noget helt tredje, kan du forvente at blive en del af et ambitiøst fællesskab.
Stor mangfoldighed
Vi tilbyder både STX, HF og den internationale IB linje, så du vil både møde venner, der bor rundt om hjørnet og kommer langvejs fra. Det giver stor rummelighed på skolen.
Smukke omgivelser
Man tænker bare bedre, når man er omgivet af masser natur, lyse lokaler og har gode faciliteter til at studere, dyrke sport og udfolde sig kreativt.
Hvorfor vælge STX, HF eller IB? Eleverne fortæller
Når timen slutter
BG er ikke blot et sted, hvor du kommer og modtager undervisning for derefter at trave hjem igen. BG er et sted, hvor du former nye venskaber, interesser og talenter. Vi går op i at skabe et stærkt fællesskab, hvor der er plads til, at du kan være dig selv.

Hvad sker der på BG?

BIGMUN: Young people show the way to peace – piece by piece
BIGMUN, Birkerød Gymnasium Model United Nations, is Birkerød Gymnasium’s annual UN role-playing conference for students. Each year, the conference gathers over 300 students from all over the world. The role-play lasts for five days and is a realistic simulation of the actual UN, complete with a dress code, an opening ceremony, a general assembly, committees, a security council, and country delegations.

Business Administration students at Novo Nordisk
This Tuesday, January 28, the business administration students in the 3gEØ1 team went on a company visit to Novo Nordisk's production facility in Hillerød, where there are approximately 1,200 employees.

PE B skiing in Hemsedal
With great longing for snow, cold and skiing, a very large group of PE B students and teachers set off for the Norwegian mountains on a dark and damp Danish January evening. In total, over 70 ski-loving BG PE students set off.

Danish High School Volleyball Championship 2025 at Birkerød Gymnasium
On February 26-27, 2025, the Danish High School Volleyball Championship will be held at Birkerød Gymnasium. The event is an event that is held every year, and where BG traditionally qualifies - and in many cases has also done well - on both the women's and men's sides.

This year’s litterary gift
Every year all of BG’s 3rd year STX students and 3u Danish A students receive a very special gift. The gift is of the literary kind – in the form of a visit from a noteworthy Danish author. This year the author in question was Liv Duvå.

DTU Science Show visits BG
On Thursday, January 9, BG was visited by the DTU Science Show in connection with the students' study choice on January 20.

At BG January is about the desire to read
This year's project Desire to Read is for 2nd grade and officially begins on Monday 13/1. It's about the desire to read and the ability of literature to engage us. As you can see, our principal has already started!

Alumnus – Graduate and then what? Tuesday, January 28, 2025
On Tuesday, January 28, from 9:45 a.m. to 11:20 a.m., we will be holding our annual Alumni Event, where former BG Graduates will come by and talk about their sabbatical, education and working life after BG. Our current 3g students and 2HF students will have the opportunity to gain an insight into 'life after BG' and can ask questions to the panel.

LEGO Master Class at BG
Today, Birkerød Gymnasium was visited by Rasmus Juel Mygind from LEGO, who gave a presentation to all of the school's approximately 100 students with business administration. Rasmus is Vice President, Portfolio Management, and has been with the company for 17 years.

Give a Box – Christmas is the celebration of hearts
For the third year in a row, IB students from Birkerød Gymnasium’s Give a Box project took the initiative to collect Christmas gifts for the many children at Center Sandholm and distribute them at the center’s traditional Christmas bazaar.

BG's students experience the Spanish language, history and culture in Granada
The mood was high when the students met at the SAS planes at the airport. Most were quick to check in and drop off their luggage, and in no time we were on our way down to the warmth and some very special experiences.

The trip goes to Berlin
It is so important to get off to a good start in a new class, because it is important that all students have three good years at Birkerød Gymnasium. That is why the intro trip at BG is placed immediately after the start of the study program in November, so that the new and remaining classes can quickly get to know each other really well. Here, all students are sent on a social three-day trip to Berlin with team building, academic experiences and socializing.

Global Culture Fair 2024!
A HUGE thank you to all of BG’s hard-working 2u students, who spent all morning preparing for this year’s incredible Global Culture Fair! Today the rest of BG’s students and all the teachers were treated to a true international celebration.!

Invitation to parent consultations in 1.hf and 2.g 2024
In connection with our students (except 1.g) getting position marks d. 11 November, it is possible to register for parent consultations in 1.hf and 2.g according to the following plan:
Thursday d. 28 November at 16-20: 1p, 1q, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2k and 2m Monday d. 2 December at 16-20: 2t, 2y, 2z and IB1

HF-elever får smag for fremtiden gennem Projekt-Praktik
De seneste par dage har 1p og 1q på HF været ude af det almindelige klasseværelse og dykket ned i deres første Projekt-Praktik-forløb. Gennem samarbejdet TÆT PÅ Hillerøds uddannelser har eleverne haft besøg af forskellige uddannelsesinstitutioner, som sammen med naturfagslærerne på BG har fortalt om deres naturvidenskabelige uddannelser.

Tuesday Before Election Tuesday – Trump vs. Harris
With the U.S. presidential election just around the corner, specifically on Tuesday, November 5th, a large portion of 2.g and 2.hf students had the pleasure of being visited by not just one, but three speakers. Each speaker, with their own perspective on the upcoming election, explained and clarified important concepts and key points of the American election campaign.

Sustainability, Innovation, and Cut-and-Paste!
The past five days have looked a little different for all BG's 2nd-year students. Divided into groups, they stepped out of the familiar four walls of the classroom and instead took over the school's F-area, armed with paper, scissors, markers, and countless new, exciting ideas about how they can make the world a better place for everyone.

Snart er det tid til ”AP- by-night” 2024 på BG
Undervisningen i almen sprogforståelse (AP) kan tage form af kedelige, løsrevne grammatiske rutineøvelser, eller den kan åbne op for helt nye verdener og stor faglig indsigt.

BG students win DM in poetry 2024
BG has not just one, but three students who can now call themselves Denmark's masters in poetry! The three are Flora Gustafsson, 2z, Julie Groes Christiansen, 2t and Kaia Devi Permanand, 3u. Huge congratulations to all three!

Global Goals week at Birkerød Gymnasium
In collaboration with the Foundation for Entrepreneurship, the Red Cross and DTU Science Park, Birkerød Gymnasium's 2.g STX students focus throughout week 41 on innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability based on the UN's global goals. At BG, we have developed a Global Goals concept, where the students use and develop their professionalism from high school and their intuitive innovative and entrepreneurial abilities to work with the world goals.

The IB 3u Biology class went to Copenhagen Zoo
Wednesday 18th of September The 3u Biology class went to Copenhagen Zoo. During the trip the students went around doing various assignments such as assessing pentadactyl limbs, making presentations and then sharing our findings.

You have to respect the integrity of the croissant
D. 26 September is the European Language Day. At BG, the day was celebrated with a language Kahoot, cake competition and 1st grade language lecture with Peter from Our Europe.

1.HF parents' meeting
Time for the 1st HF parent meeting 😊
Dear 1.HF parents, We are now well into the school year, and the new friends and teachers are becoming everyday for the students at BG. Therefore, the time has come for us to invite you inside the school for a parents' meeting.
The meeting will be held in the school assembly hall on Thursday 26 September 2024 at 17.00 – 18.00.

Alumni Cafe 2024
On Friday 4 October you can visit BG and meet your old classmates and have a chat with your former teachers! We are very much looking forward to seeing you. There will be music, good atmosphere, possibility to buy beer, soft drinks and drinks as well as snacks etc. in the canteen.

Voluntary involvement means something – both for yourself and for others.
At Birkerød Gymnasium, students' participation in student committees and student clubs is a central and essential part of the school's culture.

HF on introductory trip to Aarhus
All new students at BG must go on an introductory tour. It is both a socially, educationally and academically important trip, as it helps shake the students together and provides some common professional experiences to talk about.

Clash of Classes 2024
Teamwork makes the dream work – we know that! And that's why teamwork was also on the program on Wednesday 21 August for all the 1st year students at Birkerød Gymnasium, HF and IB.
This year, BG again held the very big Class Contest for all 20 first-year classes from both STX, HF, IB and Pre-IB.

Exciting exchange cooperation with Taiwan!
The school year has barely begun before BG is full of life again! Already two days into the school year, on August 14, 2.b was visited by 20 students from Yanping High School in Taiwan. With them they had their principal, Mrs. Ya-Hui Shih, a teacher and a representative from the NGO TIYAE, which organizes exchange collaborations for internationally oriented schools in Taiwan.

Speed dating 2024!
Ready…Set…GO! To the sound of Principal Claus’ booming voice, students across BG began one of the highlights of BG’s intro week: Speed dating!

Three BG students selected for student publication to benefit CoolUnite
The three BG students' poems have been selected and published in the anthology "90 student poems". The talented poets are: Julia Krzywicka, 3u, Therese Karoline A. Helander, 3u, and Rebecca Scheibel, 2p.

Bronze for BG at the Olympics in Amsterdam
A student report
It was a random Tuesday in the fifth module that we were first introduced to the Olympiad. A Dutch team competition, we were told, in creative mathematics, in which BG has a tradition of doing quite well.

3x Cup success for BG
Last week, the finals of the traditional Boarding Schools' Cup tournament were held in Sorø. True to tradition, Birkerød Gymnasium was well represented with teams in both Girls 1, Boys 1 and Boys 2. And it was with great expectations that the teams left with the big silver cups under their arms as the reigning champions.

This year's Coffee Ball was a blast of a party
On Friday 5 March, it was finally time for the biggest party of the year at Birkerød Gymnasium – the traditional Coffee Ball! And what a party it was! More than 900 of the school's students turned up and the mood was very high throughout the evening.

BG for EC in Science in Luxembourg
Again, BG's students demonstrate Birkerød Gymnasium's high professional level in the natural sciences and within science. This time it is Regitze from 1z, Karl Johan from 1t and Christian from 1t who are going to the EC in Science in Luxemburg later this year.

Term grades and Teacher-parent meetings 2024
The second term grades of the year for Pre-IB students will be released in Lectio on Friday 8 March at 4 pm. Once a year we have Pre-IB teacher-parent meetings where it is possible to have a 10-minute talk with some of your son’s or daughter’s teachers. The meeting Wednesday 3 April from 4 to 8 pm. is not mandatory, but an offer that we make for parents and students.

An encounter with literature
Wednesday 27.2. poet Haidar Ansari visited Birkerød Gymnasium and held an exciting presentation for all the school's Stx 3rd graders, 2nd hf'ers and IB 3u literature team.

Music on tour – lots of music on BG
What do dance, Carl Nielsen, electronic music, architecture and video art have in common? Well! On 11 January, almost 70 students from BG's various A and C music teams went on an excursion together to DR's beautifully renovated concert hall, to see the performance "Let's Dance, Nielsen!".

Once again BG's students collected a remarkable amount
This time Birkerød Gymnasium's students made a party in collaboration with Team Rynkeby for a party profit of DKR 30,000, which was donated to the Children's Cancer Foundation. Helped along the way by the band Ude Af Kontrol (UAK).

Let's talk about sex
Sex is one of the most natural things about being human, but at the same time one of the hardest things to talk about. Many young people experience being left alone with questions about e.g. contraception, boundaries and consent, and that is why, from the school year 2023-2024, a requirement has been introduced that high school students throughout Denmark must receive sex education.

Forældremøde på Birkerød Gymnasium for alle 1.g-forældre tirsdag d. 6. februar 2024. (Sorry only in danish)
Tirsdag d. 6. februar 2024 kl. 19.30-21.00. Mødet begynder med en kort fælles introduktion i Fællessalen, og derefter vil der være møder i de enkelte klasser, hvor klassens lærere vil fortælle om deres fag og om dagligdagen på BG. Tilmelding til mødet finder I her, hvor der også er flere detaljer om forældremødet.

Are you crazy about sports?
At BG, we have many students interested in sports. Some are part of the Team Denmark scheme, others are part of our elite sports program and benefit from our many offers. For many of our students, it is important to have a daily life in which there is a balance between sport and school. We want to strengthen this focus on sports even more from the school year 2024/2025 by creating a class where all students have sports at B level.

Everyone can need a recommendation of a good book
This does not only apply to our 2nd graders, who are entering the last week of Projekt Läselyst. And we are lucky enough to work closely with the librarians at Birkerød Library. They are ready down there with plenty of inspiration and are always ready for a chat about books! And of course that also applies to all of you!

Intro course for 8th graders at Birkerød Gymnasium, STX, HF, IB and boarding school
Dear Intro student. We look forward to seeing you at our Intro course for 8th graders at Birkerød Gymnasium, STX, HF, IB and boarding school!(BG). Here some general information for you, who are going to the Intro course at Birkerød Gymnasium

BG students donate profits to the Children's Cancer Foundation
Birkerød Gymnasium's students donate the profits from the next AOC party on 26/1 to the Children's Cancer Foundation in collaboration with Team Rynkeby.

At BG January is about the desire to read
This year's project Desire to Read is for 2nd grade and officially begins on Wednesday 10/1, where BG in collaboration with The House of Poetry will light the torch with an event in 2nd and 3rd modules. As you can see, the principal has already started!

Alumne – student og hva’ så? Tirsdag d. 30. januar 2024
Tirsdag d. 30. januar 2024 kl. 09:45-11:20 inviterer vi tidligere BG'ere til at fortælle om deres sabbatår, uddannelses- og arbejdsliv efter BG. Formålet er at give 2. hf og 3. årgang eleverne konkrete billeder på, hvordan studieliv og evt. arbejdsliv kan se ud.

Give a Box - a heartwarming project from BG's students.
For the second year in a row, Birkerød Gymnasium participated in Center Sandholmlejren's Christmas market. Seven of our IB students had a stall there, where they handed out gifts to the many children who live at Center Sandholm which is a center for people seeking asylum in Denmark. The idea was initiated by IB student Jasmin Jade Nicklen last year.

Oedipus - a tale of faith on BG
Can man avoid his fate and make independent decisions and thus try to change the course of the world without being punished by the gods? The drama and tragedy Oedipus touches on, among other things this existential question and, despite more than 2,500 years behind us, is still relevant for today's people.

The Intro Trip goes to Berlin
Well begun is, as we know, half done. This also applies when it comes to getting off to a good start in a new class. At Birkerød Gymnasium, the introductory trip is always immediately after the start of the study packeges in November, so that the future classes can quickly get to know each other very well.

Is the generational contract the solution to the world's wild problems?
Former foreign minister and climate minister and current chairman of Det Radikale Venstre, Martin Lidegaard, is coming to BG on November 29 to talk to our 3.g'ers and 2.hf'ers about some of the biggest and wildest problems of the time.

Birkerød Gymnasium presents this year's musical: "Let the Sunshine In".
This year, the musical atmosphere returns to Birkerød. The students at Birkerød Gymnasium perform the performance "Let the Sunshine In," a musical that weaves relevant themes into a new story with well-known songs and characters.

Birkerød High School is the Red Cross School 2023
We are incredibly proud to be the Red Cross school 2023. On Sunday 1/10 2023, BG's students went out to collect money for the Red Cross. The students covered 100 routes and collected more than DKK 120,000 on that day. The great student turn-out and support made Birkerød Gymnasium the gymnasium in Denmark with the greatest funds raised.

Invitation til forældrekonsultationer i 1.hf og 2.g.
I forbindelse med at vores elever (undtaget 1.g) får standpunktskarakterer d. 10.november. Tilmeldingen foregår via Lectio fra mandag d. 6. november 2023. Her er det muligt at ønske samtale med op til fem lærere i prioriteret rækkefølge.

BG wins the Danish Championsship in short story writing, AGAIN!
Annika Kirsten Bohn Sønderskov Andersen from 1q wins this year's Danish Championship in Short Story Writing. Thus, BG's creative writing club and the writing club's initiator and talent developer June Clausager Thomsen can boast of another Danish Championship title in short story writing.

Global Goals, innovation and entrepreneurship on the school schedule at BG in Week 41.
It sizzles and bubbles on BG. There is currently discussion, pitching, cutting, sticking, sawing, screwing and hammering. at BG, because the students are busy either up-cycling products, making jams or making Mock-ups of their innovative ideas.

Så er det tid til AP by Night
Hvorfor er AP så vigtigt? Undervisningen i grammatik huskes af mange som kedelig, angstfremkaldende, foruroligende, forbundet med nederlag eller simpelthen ren og skær glæde. Undervisningen i sprogforståelse kan tage form af kedelige, løsrevne grammatiske rutineøvelser. Men IKKE på BG, der åbner AP op for helt nye verdener og faglig indsigt – hvis du vil....?

The students run "Give Me 5" for the Red Cross
D. 26/10 BG holds a 5 km race called Give me 5. It is held every year for all 3rd grade and 3u students. Now you can sponsor a Give me 5 runner and support the Red Cross.

BGConnect - Birkerød Gymnasium has got its very own app!
There are so many exciting things happening at BG! Every day - and so many that even students and teachers find it difficult to keep track of it! The app BGConnect shall make it easier for students to meet across all the academic and social offers outside of school hours.

BG's Johan Hilleberg is invited to Royal Ball
BG's Johan Hilleberg from 3d is going to the "ball at the castle". Johan is selected as one of two young people from Furesø Municipality to participate in Prince Christian's 18th birthday party. How you are selected is different in the individual municipalities, but in Johan's case it is a vote in the municipality's youth council that forms the basis of the selection.

Alumni party 23/24
Come and meet your old classmates and have a chat with your former teachers! We are very much looking forward to seeing you. There will be music, good atmosphere, possibility to buy beer, soft drinks and drinks as well as snacks etc.

BG teacher helps colleagues well on their way
When you are employed as a secondary school teacher, it can take several years before you enter a pedagogy course and learn about teaching planning and didactics. It was this transition that Sara wanted to support by writing a handbook for brand new teachers.

Invitation to parents' meeting for 1st grade stx on Wednesday 6 September at 17.30-19
At the meeting, principal Claus Campeotto and vice-principal Helene Vejbjerg Lindemann will give information about the start of school, the basic course and the immediate future up to the students' final choice of course of study

Creativity flourishes at BG - Unge ord og bilder 2023
Young words and pictures are a gift to BG! Because what happens to the art when it has finished being exhibited at this year's student exhibition and what happens to the literature when the final period has been put in the creative writing club?

New book about VIRUS by BG teachers
At BG, we are not only proud of our students. We are also proud of our teachers and colleagues who contribute to the educational and professional development in the upper secondary school and to research. Here you can read Hans Marker's great review of Morten Eskildsen, Michael Brix Pedersen and our former colleague emeritus Karen Helmig's new textbook on VIRUS.

The final week of school has begun! And with it the first of BG's STX and HF graduates for 2023
The first day of the final week of school began monday the 19th of June - and that also means the first four STX and HF students have finally graduated! Over the next couple of days, all of BG's STX and HF students will take their final exams.

Congratulations to all of our IB graduates!
The halls of BG were buzzing with excitement on Thursday the 18th of may, when the final group of IB students were done with their exams!

Graduation season has begun at Birkerød Gymnasium
Spring has sprung at BG and that of course means the first IB graduates finally get to wear the highly anticipated graduation hats. This year’s first IB graduate is Rajana Abubakarova from 3u. She completed her exams with Maths as the final subject!

Birkerød Gymnasium wins the biology category in the Drughunters competition 2023
With great words from the judges about a poster that showed in-depth research and an innovative proposal for new medicine, as well as a presentation with a clear common thread, the team from 2y won the biology category.

Kaffebal 2023
The theme for this year's kaffebal was Masquerade! Read more about the most anticipated party of the year!

The mayor of Rudersdal Municipality, Ann Sofie Orth, visits BG and BIGMUN
BG recieved an important visit from the mayor of Rudersdal Muncipality,Ann Sofie Orth, who came to see and experience BIGMUN. Article written by Therese Karoline A. Helander, 2u.

BIGMUN is back!
Finally, after three years, the BIGMUN conference is up and running at BG

Therese Karoline Helander from 2.u wins award for her poem "To-do list". (Article in Danish).
Therese from 2u is an active and engaged member og BG's creative writing club. Now she is also a published author and winner of the writing competition "Unge Ord", where she was awarded the Flow-Prize for her poem "To-do List". Click here to read the article (in Danish).

Have a great winter break!
BG wishes everyone a fantastic winter break. We are back again on Monday the 20th of February.

HF, STX, IB in Cross - Cultural Teaching at BG
During the spring term, students from HF, STX and IB will be meeting each other across classes in shared lessons. Many different subjects are involved, from science to languages, and the idea is to experience each other’s school systems and see similarities and differences while having fun and socialising.

Local citizens and a student from BG join forces for the environment
Aksel Heunicke from 2.x is a part of a local project to secure environment initiatives.

BIGMUN 2023!
It is almost time for BIGMUN 2023! We are so proud and excited to once again host Birkerød Gymnasium's Model United Nations conference.

UN's 17 sustainable development goals
In week 41, all 2nd year students will be working with sustainability inspired by the UN's 17 sustainable development goals...

For those who have applied for admission
Many thanks for your application to Birkerød Gymnasium and HF.
You have received a letter in your inbox on March 31st.